Alex and I have been doing some talking lately about how, as our kids grow up we want to impart some different values about Christmas to them. Thankfully, we are living in a time where lots of resources exist to help us out. I thought I'd share some of them with you.
For a different take on Advent, check out Advent Conspiracy. It's chock full of ideas for how to spend the time leading up to Christmas focusing on the gift of Jesus rather than material gifts. It's is definitely suited for older kids but can still offer good ideas for families with younger ones.
For some alternative Christmas gifts, head on over to one of the following:
The Heifer Project
World Vision
Trees For Life
Church World Service
Changing The Present
Well that should get us started! It can be hard to turn the tide, I know that all too well. But it is a worthy endeavor and one that I believe honors the birth of Christ in a very authentic way.
Peace friends.
Alternative Holidays
Friday, November 30, 2007
Posted by Beth at 8:45 AM 2 comments
Labels: Authentic Life, Life with God, Social Justice
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Last year I made a list of the 10 things I was most grateful for at that time. I really think it helped put me in a good frame of mind as we raced headlong into the crazed holiday season so I'm doing it again! Enjoy...
1. Only 425 Days Left - In the Bush Presidency. For that I'm truly thankful!
2. Our Small Group - Last March we began meeting with a wonderful group of adults from our church. It has been a rich and fulfilling process and I am so grateful for these friends.
3. Bobby and Susie's Wedding - It was such a joy to watch our dear friends join their lives together this October...and a true honor to be a part of their special day.
4. The Pool - I love being able to go to the pool everyday in the summer. The kids love it and their swimming has really improved. It is so wonderful to get outside and soak up the sun and splash around in the water!
5. Mom's Retirement - After many years of working hard my mom retired last week! I'm so happy for her and can't think of anyone who deserves to enjoy retirement more than she does. I'm looking forward to a more energetic and less stressed mom and grandma who can spend lots of time with us!
6. My friend Anne - I've become good friends with Anne - who has been in the states with her family for a few months before they head back to Africa (where they live full time) at the end of the year. Though I'm already sad that she is leaving, I'm confident that this is a lifelong friendship.
7. God's AMAZING Grace - There have been several times this year when I have been in need of amazing grace...and God has never let me down. I'm thankful that He has placed people in my life who have shown me the limitless nature of grace.
8. Spiritual Direction - Another huge blessing has come in the form of Jeanne, my spiritual director. Our monthly meetings have opened my eyes and blessed my heart.
9. My Family - As the mom, I have a chance to sometimes take a step back and watch my family and I'm in awe of them. I love learning more and more about each of them and watching as God develops in them wonderful hearts. Alex, Annie, Lucy and Jack are real touchstones for God in my life.
10. New Life - I'm most thankful for this new life growing inside of me. I really didn't imagine a year ago that I would be pregnant much as we talked about 4 kids, I think we both thought we were done at 3. But I cannot imagine life without this promise, this blessing, this gift.
Posted by Beth at 12:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Authentic Life, Family
NaBloPoMo Dropout
I just couldn't hack it. With family in town since last Saturday and busy days planned all the way through turkey day I had to let some things go and blogging was one of them. Really, I wish that this post everyday for a month contest was not in a month with a major holiday...not to mention it is during football season. :)
So I'm a NaBloPoMo shame in that. I could dropout of a lot more major things than that.
Be on the lookout for my list of things I'm most thankful for...hopefully tonight or tomorrow.
Posted by Beth at 10:03 AM 2 comments
Labels: Authentic Life
Looking for Soup Recipes
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's getting colder now and I need some good soup recipes. I have a fab Black Bean Soup recipe but I'm looking for others that are hearty, healthy and low maintenance. Please, if you have any let me know!!!
Posted by Beth at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Life in General
Get Smart and End Hunger
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Here is a link to a site that will test your vocabulary knowledge and for every time you click they donate 10 grains of rice through the United Nations to end world hunger. Ten grains may not seem like a lot but the game is very quick and you could click many many times in a relatively short period. It's kind of addicting too...but I rationalized it by telling my self that it was for a good cause!!!
Posted by Beth at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Important Information, Social Justice
Baby Update
Monday, November 12, 2007
I went to the Doctor this morning for my monthly check up. Everything looks great and I hear the heartbeat! I had seen it on the ultrasound a month ago but hearing it is so reassuring and wonderful. I just love that sound - like a washing machine whooshing away - and it is such a beautiful reminder of the REAL life that is within me.
The positioning of the baby this morning leaves no doubt in my mind that what I'm feeling every now and then is the little one kicking me. I can't wait until the kids can feel it. I scheduled my ultrasound for December 3 so in three weeks we will (hopefully) know what flavor is in there and the the name game can begin in earnest. Right now it's pure speculation so we aren't getting too attached to any names.
*Big Happy Sigh*
Posted by Beth at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motherhood, Pregnancy
Oops I Did It Again!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I missed yesterday...some days are just too busy for blogging and I have to accept that my life is in a season where I may not be able to blog everyday for a month straight. I don't like that fact but it is what it is.
Just briefly stopping in this Sunday morning to say hi and to wish my sister in law Monica a Happy Birthday! we love you Monica!
OB appointment tomorrow morning - so look for an update later in the day!
Posted by Beth at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Authentic Life, Family
This Is Getting Ridiculous
Friday, November 09, 2007
I'm not kidding when I say that EVERYday I get another email from the Consumer Product Safety Commission about more and more children's product recalls. For the first time today the alert contained information about a toy we have in this house. The Curious George doll that has been recalled is one that was given as a gift to Jack for his second birthday. It will certainly be a delicate process to extract it from him because he LOVES George. But all of my kids are very aware of all of the recalls and Annie is checking everything to see where it is made - and if it is made in China she is convinced it must be thrown out and burned in the fiery furnace of toy death.
I am getting so overwhelmed about all of these concerns, especially with a new baby on the way. I feel as if I should be making all homemade toys for the baby. None of my kids really put things in their mouths any longer but a baby most certainly will. As if there isn't enough to worry about with their toys are poisonous. OY!
Posted by Beth at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Important Information, Parenting
We're Famous!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Here is a link to a video to a local newscast about lead levels in toys that all three kids and I are in. You just see Jack briefly in the beginning but he is there! The girls actually speak and I have a short sound byte at the beginning. Pretty exciting. Just click on the picture and the video will start!
Oh and if you'll notice I already missed a day of blogging yesterday...ah well, I'll keep trying!
Posted by Beth at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: Important Information, Motherhood, Parenting
I Promise
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
That this will be my last post about football for a little while...but CAN I GET AN AMEN????? What a game last night. I even felt comfortable going up to bed after halftime and turning it on up there (knowing I would be asleep in seconds) because it was such a massive crushing of Baltimore.
Speaking of came in the form of 5 touchdown passes in the first half for Big Ben...and in the form of 3 sacks, 9 tackles, 3 forced fumbles, 1 fumble recovery and 1 interception for James Harrison.
And it was real football in the cool driving rain of Pittsburgh...where the chumps are separated from the champs. GO STEELERS!!!
Posted by Beth at 8:12 AM 1 comments
Labels: Steelers
It's a Football Night in Pittsburgh
Monday, November 05, 2007
Tonight Pittsburgh takes center stage in the NFL as we host Monday Night Football. And even though MNF isn't what it once was back in the days of Dandy Don, Frank Gifford, and Al Michaels (and the new hosts are just awful) it is still an honor to have MNF in our town. The Steelers will get showcased in a special way and they are playing their number one rival (and my most HATED team of all time) the Baltimore Ravens...BOO!
Last year the Ravens humiliated us not once but twice and it is time for some redemption in da burgh. Not to mention that if we lose we enter into a three way tie for the lead in our division...and we don't want that!
So wherever you are, help me cheer the Black and Gold onto victory...especially in the latter parts of the second half when I cannot guarantee I will still be awake!
Posted by Beth at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Important Information, Steelers
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Cheaters Patriots, is having an unbelievable season. In the first nine games of the season he has 33 touchdowns - the NFL record for an entire season is 43 - and he is on par to have 60 by season's end. He seems unstoppable and pretty close to perfect.
I have a theory on this - and it is a bold one so hold onto your hats. Tom Brady made a pact with the devil. There, I said it. I just cannot believe anyone could be that good on his own - not to mention the supermodel he is dating. Come on, things like that just don;t happen without supernatural intervention and if God was interested in helping a football team we ALL know it would be the Steelers. Therefore I conclude that Tom Brady has made a pact with the devil. We'll see how it all plays out but I'm warning you now...that guy is just a little evil so be careful if he is on your fantasy team.
Posted by Beth at 8:25 PM 2 comments
Labels: Deep Thoughts
Soccer and Life
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Today was the girls second to last soccer game. They play on a local team and Alex is their coach. They have been doing really well all season but today they lost 7-0. As I sat around listening to them after the game I had to laugh. They were exclaiming very loudly "they got seven and we had ZERO...can you believe it ZERO". While most of the kids were fairly unfazed by it all one little boy was taking it very hard. Alex sat on the grass and talked to him about it, listening to his feelings and reassuring him that the most important things was that he did his best and had fun. He seemed a bit bolstered by this but not totally convinced of the merits of Alex's pep talk.
I can relate to that...sometimes when life beats me up 7-0 I am more than a little cranky. And it helps a little to know that I tried hard but in reality I still feel like road kill. I feel flattened and fatigued and discouraged...probably how the little boy felt to a certain extent. Lucy, who is usually pumped up after a soccer game (read: win) fell asleep on the way to the waterfront...I could tell the game had worn her out rather than invigorate her.
Losing is hard work! What is important is learning how to lose gracefully and not to let losing take the wind out of your sails for too long...and I hope that all of those kids today have already forgotten about the beating they took and are looking forward to next week!
Posted by Beth at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Deep Thoughts, Parenting
Big Sigh
Friday, November 02, 2007
Mom's surgery is over and it was the best of all possible scenarios! Thanks to those of you who prayed and encouraged me today with emails, text messages, and phone calls.
Sorry to be so brief but I've got three children who I haven't seen all day to go smother with kisses!!! See you tomorrow!
Posted by Beth at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Yesterday and Tomorrow
Thursday, November 01, 2007
So yesterday was Halloween and a good time was had by all. Annie was a flying unicorn, Lucy was a tiger and Jack was Scooby Doo. I will post pictures soon...and I know I keep saying that but I really will! Two families from church came over and went Trick or treating with us and that was a lot of fun. I stayed back and handed out the candy - and there were a lot of people out last night. We had at least 150 trick or treaters, it was madness!
Tomorrow my mom is having surgery. As far as we know it is nothing serious and I am counting on that. But I do covet your prayers for her tomorrow and during her recovery and I will keep you updated on how she is doing.
As for today? Well it is November! The month of my birthday, and even as I get older I still love my birthday. It is also the first day of National Blog Posting Month (linked below) and here I am posting away! I hope you'll check back often to cheer me on!
Posted by Beth at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family